Monday, October 17, 2011


NaNo is coming and I am thrilled.  I did it last year, didn't win, but at least I tried.  And I had 32k words towards a story, which made me happy.
For those of you who don't know what NaNoWriMo is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and it's when writers across the world (who have heard about it, at least) try to write 50k words in the month of November.  Each day you're supposed to write 1667 words, and if you make it to 50k then you win!
Ok, it's not  like you win anything material, but you've got at least half of a novel!  Plus, if you register on the NaNo website, you get a little note on your bio that you won and the year.
How many of you guys are going to compete?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


It's pretty much amazing.  I got it a few weeks ago and...have been rereading since I got it.  Because it's just that amazing.  No spoilers, but just know it was fantastic and that the ending was perfect.  I wanted a little more, but not because it needed it.  Because I wasn't ready to let go of these characters.
Long story short, highly recommended.
And I'd chose Alek over Edward, Mr. Darcy, Jacob or really any other "perfect" guy.