Thursday, December 2, 2010

Surprise! I'm lazy!

I was pretty much impressed by a friend on  Or, more specifically, her blog.  (It's here, in case you were wondering.)  Then I looked at my own blog.  And felt like a loser.
I know she updates everyday, then I looked at my own blog.  The last three posts (counting this one) were all in three different months.  And felt like a loser (again).
So what's stopping me from updating?
Well, I am a college student. I'm busy.  I go to school, work and try to have some semblance of a social life.
NOT a good excuse.  I don't really have a social life anyway.
So what's the excuse?  Bottom line: I'm lazy.
I really hate it when it's a problem with me instead of everyone else.  Life is so much harder this way.
I'm pretty sure this is also why I didn't win NaNo.  I wasn't putting enough time.  I wasn't being consistent.
So my new goal?  Write and blog three times a week.  Or more.
I can totally do this...

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