Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh look--shiny!!!!

Yeah, that's sorta a problem with me.  Then, this morning I found this video on Jackson Pearce's blog.  Can I hear an EPIC WIN????  This is totally how I feel right now!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Yeah, not much excuse.  I have no job (still) and work on my computer all the time!!!  I promise I'll update more than 2+ times in a month.
I've been doing character sketches for Reagan and my story.  That's taking flippin' forever!  I just finished a short story that I may or may not put up here about a more minor character in the story.  I liked writing it, though!  I've also been editing (not much, but a little) and writing the next part.  I LOVE writing, in case you can't tell.
So, tell me in the comments if you want to know about little Danielle's backstory....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Job Hunt

Is it just me, or is it getting harder and harder to find a job??? I've put in applications, but haven't been hired yet...
On the plus side, I've gotten quite a bit of work done on the story.  I've been doing a character sketch for Alex right now, and I'm surprised how different his character is in my head to on the page.  Just another thing to fix, I guess.